Leader’s Guide: Parents (Part 3)
June 5, 2021
Leader’s Guide: Parents (Part 5)
June 5, 2021Leader’s Guide: Parents (Part 4)
Lesson Objective: Students will explore how they can be an active part of their family, and discover ways their involvement in the home can bring them into a closer relationship with their parents.
Leader Guides are designed to enhance the teaching of the Teen Topics lessons. You’ll receive a download link via email with two full pages of leader notes, commentary, taking points, discussion questions, and more! Have trouble getting your group talking? Use the fun intro question to engage your learners. Want a way to end each lesson with meaning? Use the gospel tie-in and ending challenge to keep students thinking about the lesson throughout the week!
To learn more about Leader Guides: See a SAMPLE HERE.
Do you want additional Leader Guides to create a Teen Topics series? Go to the Shop Homepage for info about discounted bundles!